Welcome to My World of Sea Turtles
Hello! My name is Airton Jesus. I love sea turtles and I want to share this love with you. These beautiful creatures are amazing, and they need our help. I started helping sea turtles and it changed my life. Now, I want to invite you to be part of this adventure.

Sea Turtles Are Special
Sea turtles are big, friendly, and have been around for a very long time. They travel across the oceans and are important for keeping the sea healthy. But they are in danger because of things like pollution and climate change. We can help save them.
Why Should You Help?
When you join the sea turtle volunteering program, you do something great for the turtles and the ocean. It's not just about helping; it's about learning and making new friends who care about the earth like you do. You'll feel happy and proud to be part of this.
What Can You Do?
There are many ways to help. You can learn about sea turtles, tell others about them, and even help baby turtles get to the sea safely. It's exciting to see these little ones start their big journey.

Beach Cleanup
Clean beaches are crucial for the safe nesting of sea turtles, this part of some project focuses on organizing regular clean-up. Volunteers gather to remove debris, ensuring a safer environment for turtle hatchlings to make their way to the sea.
Environmental Education
Explore Environmental Education program, designed to inspire and empower individuals with knowledge and skills to actively participate in preserving our planet's natural resources, focusing on sustainable practices and the protection of marine ecosystems.
Join as a volunteer in ocean conservation and make a direct impact on preserving our precious marine ecosystems. Each action you take not only contributes to a healthier ocean but also deepens your bond with nature. Be a part of the change.