Sea Turtle in Ocean

Curiosities about sea turtles

Sea Turtle on the beach

Sea turtles, with their ancient lineage tracing back millions of years, glide gracefully through our oceans, symbolizing both the majestic beauty of marine life and the urgent need for its conservation.

Ancient Lineage: Sea turtles are ancient animals, having existed for over 100 million years. They are among the oldest groups of reptiles, older than snakes, crocodiles, and alligators. This makes them contemporaries of the dinosaurs.

Long-Distance Travelers: Some sea turtles are known for their incredible long-distance migrations. For example, the leatherback turtle, which is the largest of all living turtles, can travel over 10,000 miles in a year. These migrations are often between their feeding grounds and the beaches where they nest.

Did you know that the future gender of a sea turtle is decided by the sands of time?

Literally! The temperature of the sand where their eggs are buried determines whether the hatchlings will be male or female – warmer sands tend to hatch more females, while cooler sands favor males. Nature's own thermostat at work!

Climate Change Impact: With global temperatures rising, there's a concern that more female sea turtles will be born, leading to skewed sex ratios and potential long-term population impacts.